Monday, September 24, 2007


That's right everyone... I have officially graduated to the world of the moving. I guess you could call me 'upwardly mobile'. My mom has her hands full making sure 1. Lila does not attack me and 2. That I don't get into things that I shouldn't. Anyway, here are some pics from the last couple of months. My publisher has been on hiatus.

Liam channeling John Travolta

Hanging out with our neighbors

I can feed myself!

Fight the power

I'm so cuddly (hanging out in our hotel in Buffalo)

Catching a post breakfast snooze

Daddy and his good friend Vesal

Niagara Falls - The American Version (Everyone kept telling us the Canadian side was better, but the American side was not too shabby)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

Hi Everyone,,, Check out Lila and my recent trip to Mexico.