Monday, June 11, 2007

Tag, you're it

So I am about to do something really 'bloggy'... My friend Abby has tagged me. Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves, and then tags 7 people to do the same. I don't even know how to count to 7, nor do I know seven people, but I will tag my sister, considering her personality is equal to that of seven people. Here goes:

1. I was born with my umbilical cord around my neck. (very dramatic)
2. My hair is growing in blondish.
3. I snore.... LOUDLY!!!!!
4. My toenails seem to grow faster than my fingernails.
5. I am secretly keeping track of every indiscretion my sister makes against me so that I can get her back one day... I mean I know they say I shouldn't take things lying down... but basically that's all I CAN do at this point.
6. My new favorite song is 'Wake up Call' from the They Might Be Giants Cd (No!) Every time it comes on I giggle!
7. I don't mind it when I have to wear one of my sister's pink bibs when all of mine are in the wash... I am comfortable with my masculinity.

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